Fun 5 Senses Worksheets for Kids

Don’t miss out on these 5 senses worksheets! The kids will love doing these worksheets and having fun while learning.

Make sure to check out our 5 Senses Activities for Kids as well! They are great activities that would complement this printable.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m all about the printables. I love being able to print off a learning activity and have the kids just be able to dive right in.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t love doing it with them. It means that I appreciate the times that they can be independent in getting them done. This is why I love these five senses worksheets for kids.

Every page has an activity that they can do independently, which helps with their confidence and independent thinking skills.

Three Fun 5 Senses Worksheets for Kids on a green table.

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5 Senses Worksheets

I love talking to the kids about our senses. They seem to grasp our eyes and ears, and it’s always a fun topic to discuss the other senses with them.

Once they realize that they have five different senses, I can already picture the wheels turning in their minds regarding how they have been utilizing their senses.

To me, this is the fun part! It’s moments like this that I’m so glad that I can teach the kids. I can clearly see them learning right in front of my eyes and that is such an incredible feeling to have.

What are the 5 senses?

Just in case you need a refresher, the five senses are touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell.

What is the weakest of the 5 senses?

Even though I think that senses are all superpowers, there is one that is weaker than the others. It turns out that sense of taste is the weakest out of all the five!

The brain plays an important role in our body; it controls what our body experiences from sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch and relays it back to our brain to help keep us safe.

Use any of these books to help show your kids how amazing our body is.

I’ve found that the easiest way to have discussions with the kids about their senses is to sit down and talk about what the five senses are in their bodies.

Five Senses (Early Childhood Themes)Five Senses (Early Childhood Themes)Look, Listen, Taste, Touch, and Smell: Learning About Your Five Senses (The Amazing Body)Look, Listen, Taste, Touch, and Smell: Learning About Your Five Senses (The Amazing Body)Billy Senses The WorldBilly Senses The WorldMy Five Senses (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)My Five Senses (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)The Five SensesThe Five SensesThe Magic School Bus Explores the SensesThe Magic School Bus Explores the Senses


Why senses are important?

This is always a fun conversation with the kids. I ask them why they think that their senses are important and it’s so interesting to hear their answers.

To me, senses are important because they make up or play a part in everything that we do on a daily basis. Can you imagine not being able to see or taste things? Or maybe not even feel something?

Your life would be totally different without the use of your senses. There are many people out there who lack the ability to use their senses to go about their day.

Three Fun 5 Senses Worksheets for Kids on a green table.

How to talk to your kids about the 5 senses

Talk to them about their taste buds and their favorite foods. This can help them realize how important taste truly is.

Ask them about their favorite sounds and what they look forward to hearing every single day. This can help them understand just how prevalent sound is in their daily lives.

Have them tell you their favorite animal in the house that they like to pet. This is a fun way to help them associate the sensation of touch.

Let them pick out their favorite movie to watch. Talk to them about how their sight is helping them to be able to watch.

Quiz them on their favorite smell and then go over the points on how big of a role the nose plays in the senses.

Breaking it down into their lives and real-world examples is a great way for them to understand the lesson about senses quickly.

5 Senses Worksheets Supplies

I use the HP printer 8710 but it’s not available anymore. It’s been running well for years now. You can look for another HP Instant Ink-ready printer, they have a program that sends you ink cartridges whenever your printer gets low on ink.

Junior Scientist Science Study: Five Senses

Learn the five senses in detail using these worksheets. Fun activities about eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin await your kids’ exploration.

Junior Scientist Science Study: Human Body

Now that your kids learned about the five senses, level up your learning about the human body using these printables. Learn about all the systems of the human body.

Five Fun 5 Senses Worksheets for Kids on a green table.

What’s included in this 5 senses printable?

Your kids can do so many fun things with this 12-page worksheet. They’ll have the chance to do the following activities with this fun printable:

Coloring Pages

Includes two coloring pages to practice your child’s coloring skills and creativity.


Each sense has its own maze. Improve your child’s problem-solving skills and see how fast they reach the end to match the starting and the ending picture.

Match the Picture

Match the five senses and how we use them in real life. With this activity, test whether they understand the five senses lessons well.

Help your child focus and become familiar with pattern recognition using this five-sensory word search. Ten words related to human senses are waiting to be found!

Scavenger Hunt

This scavenger hunt activity makes five-sensation learning fun. Exercise your child’s observational skills and see how fast they can find something on the list!

These activities will hold their attention and they will love that they can be independent in completing this printable. Not having to stop and ask questions or ask for help is a liberating feeling for kids! These printables can help them gain that confidence to continue with their growth.

Fun 5 Senses Activities To Try

If you like these worksheets about the five senses, don’t miss out on even more fun activities for kids. These are collections of activities that you can do with your child.

Three Fun 5 Senses Worksheets for Kids on a green table.

Fun ways to use these 5 senses worksheets

While the printable is great for learning, don’t forget to think outside the box and have the kids do some fun sensory activities.

One of our favorite ways to test our taste buds is to have a blind taste test! That way, we’re relying solely on our taste buds to know the flavor. It’s so much fun as long as you don’t try and add in anything gross.

Keep it fun and simple. The kids will have a blast and learn how often they rely on their senses to all work together to know what’s going on.

You can also blindfold the kids and have them try and move around the house without bumping into anything. This is a wake-up call to them about how much they use their sight and might not even realize it.

The more that you can use real work examples to help them understand how much they use their senses, the better.

Download the 5 senses worksheets below

With just a few of these fun activities and learning lessons, your child will understand that their senses play a huge role in their everyday lives. They’ll be able to rely more on their senses and find that all five senses work together to do the best job possible for your body.

As you can see, this fun printable is great for learning fun but also an excellent way to have the kids gear up and learn more about their senses as well.

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