Why Your Homeschool Will Fail

Do you ever feel like you’re running around without a clue as to what you are doing? Do you feel like you’re disciplining your child more than you are teaching? Is this what homeschool failure looks like? When a stranger asks your child what grade they’re in and they give them that blank stare like a deer in the headlights? I’ve gotten those stares plenty of times as if I care if my child knows what grade he’s in. We don’t emphasize them in our homeschool, and when we complete our curriculum we just move onto the next grade level with no fuss.Why your homeschool will fail and you'll consider yourself a homeschool failure if you do these things. Tips and ideas to have a successful homeschool year. Turn your homeschool year around.

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Why your homeschool will fail

But there may be things that cause your homeschool to run a muck, making you feel as though you’re failing as a homeschooling mother. You don’t have a plan Well, you do have one sort of and it involves a binder that has loads of loose paper falling out of it and post it notes that have been ripped off by your toddler. Your child’s work needs to be graded but it’s collecting on a pile of paper on top of the desk that has a sticky surface with cheerios stuck to it. You haven’t implemented anything You’ve crafted this perfect schedule and chosen the best curriculum but when it comes down to implementing your awesome plans you falter. You’re kids don’t want to start school so they end up on their iPad because the baby’s crying and you’re thinking about what you’re going to have to make for dinner when you haven’t even showered yet. You don’t have a  routine Your child has a meltdown when they have to transition to a new activity, your older children have to wait around for you to tell them what to do next and then they’ve lost their focus. They’re bedtimes change depending on the day’s activity and they’re not getting enough sleep. This shows by their lack of interest in school and they seem too tired to get any seat work done. You’re not disciplined You can’t say no and you have too many outside commitments that you’re endlessly running around from one activity to the next which leaves you drained. You break for the weekend but you cringe at the thought of starting it all over again. You have visitors who drop by because they think you’re at home and available all of the time but you let them interrupt your school day. You don’t have rules for your kids in regards to electronics and they spend too much time in front of a screen. You don’t have fun You hate cleaning up after large messes and you’ve hidden the glitter and paint so that your kids can’t find them. You hide the craft books and hope that the video of the science experiment will be just as good. You spend all of your time indoors and never explore natures. If you’re going through anyone of these, you are setting your homeschool up for failure. You need a plan, although it can be as schedule or relaxed as you like, you need to take action, your kids need a routine, they need discipline and they need to have fun. Without these things, you can imagine how crazy your day would be and when things are organized and you have a solid plan and you’re prepared, it makes your mind at ease. When your kids are following that schedule, and starting their work on your own, it puts you at ease. When they listen and cooperate and your school day progresses without any distractions, you’ve succeeded. Don’t let your homeschool fail. If you’re struggling with your own homeschool plans, take a look at the Homeschool Planning for the Unorganized Mom eBook, it’s on sale right now. buy-now-promo-728   Get more done in your homeschool with the free printable homeschool planner so you can stay on top of your homeschool day. Bring peace into your day and know what each child has to finish for the day.

Free Printable Homeschool Planner


  1. Have you planted a camera in my house? My “toddler” may be 5 years old, but I swear you must’ve been watching my kids and I and wrote this based on your observations of us! You completely nailed me. I have more books and planners than any homeschooling mom would need, but there is a definite gap between knowing what I need to do and implementing them. I haven’t bought Homeschool planning for the Unorganized Mom because I have so many planners and books already, but I believe you just convinced me to give this one a try.

    1. Ha! I’ve been there too and I have planners sitting on my shelf so I hear you. No point having it if it’s sitting there collecting dust. It’s easy to plan but you also have to follow through. My book will only help if you actually go through the steps and do them, let me know what you think.

  2. Homeschooling has a lot to do with commitment of both the parents and the kid. One of the most important part is educating the child about why you both resolve to homeschooling, and making them understand how important their commitment and readiness is. Thanks for sharing this. And I wish everybody luck as they get ready for another school year.

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