Valentine STEM Activities
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to combine learning with fun. If you are looking for a fun, educational, and engaging activity to do with your family this Valentine’s Day, why don’t you try out these great Valentine STEM activities?
From slime recipes to heart experiments, there is something here for everyone.
If you love STEM, you must try these Valentine’s Day Science Activities with your little one.

For more activities like these, check out these fun Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids.
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Valentine STEM Activities for Kids
To get you started, here are few STEM ideas that will make homeschooling fun and engaging for the kids and the whole family!
Valentine’s Day Slime Recipes
Who doesn’t love slime? Kids of all ages will be excited to try this festive slime recipe. All you need is a few simple ingredients and a little bit of patience! Valentine’s slime recipes usually have nice pink hues and glitter to give them that extra sparkle. Plus, you can even add in some conversation hearts or other Valentine’s Day-themed items before you mix everything together.
Fizzy Science Experiments
This fun experiment uses baking soda and vinegar to create fizzing effect! It is both exciting and educational as kids learn about chemical reactions while having fun!
Valentine’s Candy Tallest Structure STEM Challenge
This challenge encourages kids to use their problem-solving skills by constructing 3D structures with candies! The goal is to construct the most stable structure possible using only soft candies like jelly beans and connected by toothpicks. Kids can get creative by making different shapes like hearts or towers or whatever else they can imagine.
Dancing Valentine’s Candy Experiment
This experiment is sure to leave children in awe as they watch hearts magically dance across the surface of water! This experiment teaches kids about the process of creating carbon dioxide gas. This becomes evident when you see the formation of bubbles in the foaming mixture. When the candy hearts are added you’ll notice them lifting to the top and falling back down once the bubbles lifting them have dissipated.
Keep reading to know more about these activities and how to prepare them. There are lots of other awesome Valentine STEM activities in this list, too!
Recommended Valentine’s Day Books for Kids
Bring more excitement to the season with these Valentine’s books for kids. You will love these great stories about hearts, love, or Valentine’s day.
Day It Rained HeartsThe Biggest Valentine EverTurkey’s Valentine Surprise (Turkey Trouble Book 6)There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose!A Crankenstein ValentineLove, Escargot
Recommended Valentine’s Day Activity Kits
Valentine’s Day Color by Addition Worksheets
Practice addition skills up to 20 with these fun Valentine’s day color by number addition worksheets. A fun way to add math to your school day without boring math worksheets. Instead, figure out what picture will unfold after you color in each space.
Valentine’s Day Play Dough Kit
Grab this Valentine’s day play dough kit for your little one’s sensory activity. This kit includes flowers, hearts, and other toys.
Don’t want to put your own Valentine’s day kit together yourself? Grab this ready to go Valentine’s sensory kit that will delight your kids.
Valentine STEM Activities
Kids will love exploring these STEM activities in a fun Valentine's day theme.
Kids will love making this Valentine’s day slime for them to play with or as a gift for someone.
Fizzy STEM activities are always a hit! This is a great way to introduce a simple science experiment with the kids and have them be a part of the process.
Talk about a great way to use up some of that Valentine’s Day candy while pairing it with a bit of learning, too. The kids will have a blast with this and maybe even snack a bit along the way.
Show the kids some “magic” with this fun experiment using conservation hearts. While most times these get eaten and gobbled up quickly in our house, the kids do love saving a few for this fun activity.
How big can they grow? This is what this experiment is all about! Have the kids tell you what they think is going to happen and then have them document what really happens. This is a fun way to introduce them to a hypothesis.
A great way to introduce chemistry to kids in a simple way. They can learn valuable lessons about solubility while watching what happens when you combine water and water mixtures with the candy hearts.
If you have multiple children, you definitely need more slime recipes.
Kids are always excited if they know that there will be a fizzy or bubbling reaction. Try this and let them learn more about chemical reactions.
This experiment is very simple yet kids will always be amazed at the chemical reaction. They really may think it’s magic.
If you have a toddler, you must try this fun treasure dig activity. You may discover your child's interest in paleontology with this.
Practice counting to 10 with these ten frames, you can use pom poms, M&Ms or glass beads to count. You can also use them for addition and subtraction when you ask what is 2 more than 5 they can show you on their ten frame mat.
Get counting with these cool clip cards and also print out the puzzles too, if you laminate them, they will last longer.
Get into number sense with addition and subtraction with these cards as your child has to find the number that is one more AND one less than that found on the card.
Learn how to count by 2, 3, 5 and 10’s with these fun skip counting puzzles your kids can count and put them together.
If you need help with addition, subtraction, patterning, skip counting and counting, this is for you!
A fun way to practice counting is to use connect the dot puzzles. Simple connect the dot pictures that won’t drive a child crazy.
If you’ve moved on from addition and skip counting, these multiplication cards are the next step. You can make math fun!
Your little one will love this super easy science experiment. They will love the drawing part too!
Valentines Day Physics Activities You Can Actually Do With Your Kids!
There are 5 ideas here that you can use in teaching physics this Valentine's day.
Make this love potion glitter lava lamp with your kids. They'll love it!
You will have a great time playing with this cupid's arrow balloon challenge.
These fun Valentine STEM activities are sure to make your homeschool day extra special this year! With hands-on learning experiences like these, your family will have lots of fun while still learning important concepts about science, technology, engineering, and math.
So grab those supplies and get ready for some exciting Valentine’s Day learning adventures!
More Valentine’s Day Activities
Looking for some good reads about Valentine’s day? These heart-filled books about love and friendship are perfect for your little one!
Valentine’s Day Letter Puzzles
Valentine’s Day Color by Letter/Sight Word by Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading
Printable Valentine’s Day Favor Box and Bottle Label by The Life of Jennifer Dawn