Screen Free Activities for Kids + Screen Time Checklist
Are you finding screen time with your kids difficult to manage? Fill your kid’s free time with these fun screen free activities for kids + screen time checklist!
Here’s another extra tool in your homeschool kit to take your kids’ eyes away from their screens, try these fun summer activities for kids.
These screen-free ideas will help provide parents peace of mind in making sure they’re raising not just healthy but happy kids.
And just because there isn’t a smartphone or tablet or PC involved doesn’t mean your kids have nothing else but loneliness and boring days. This collection of activities is an ever-growing list of fun-filled and unique ideas that don’t need a screen to work and won’t break the bank!
This screen-free printable bundle also provides a helpful tracker and checklist so your kids know the rules and their expectations are set during tricky conversations about the screen and digital usage at home.
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Supplies You Need for the Screen-Free Activities and Printables
- Printer (I have this one)
- Paper
- Pen or Markers
I have the HP printer 8710 but it’s not available anymore. It’s still running well for years now. Look for another HP Instant Ink-ready printer so that you can use their program to send you ink cartridges whenever your printer gets low on ink.
Recommended Books to Keep Your Kids Off the Screen
Kids are naturally active and curious! Keep their minds off their digital devices and indulge their young learning minds with these recommended books full of fun trivia, stories, and fun facts! Your children will surely be entertained for hours!
Trivia for Smart Kids: Over 300 Questions About Animals, Bugs, Nature, Space, Math, Movies and So Much MoreNational Geographic Kids Why?: Over 1,111 Answers to EverythingSpectacular Stories for Curious Kids: A Fascinating Collection of True Tales to Inspire & Amaze Young ReadersThe Big Book of Silly Jokes for KidsBet You Didn’t Know: Fascinating, Far-out, Fun-tastic Facts!Weird But True Animals
How much screen time should kids have?
In an age where technology has become so integrated into our kids’ daily lives, it is difficult to imagine a world without it. But it’s important that we don’t let our child’s screen time become a long daily habit.
As a parent, it’s hard to know exactly how much screen time is too much, so here are some quick guides on how much screen time your kids should have according to their age group.
Age 0-2 Years Old
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), kids of age 2 and below should have absolutely no screen time. This includes smartphones, television, tablets, and the like. Research suggests that during the first 2 years of a child’s life, too much screen time can negatively impact their brain development, and will interfere with their ability to process emotions, learn things, and form relationships.
Age 2-5 Years Old
It is recommended that children aged 2-5 years should have no more than 1 hour of screen time per day. You can encourage them to use these times to watch educational programs, but it is still important to limit their daily exposure.
Age 6 Years Old and Above
For kids aged 6 years old and above, screen time should be limited to 2 hours or less per day. This already includes the time spent on homework, recreational time, playing games, and watching movies or cartoons on screens.
It is important to encourage young kids to step away from their screens and engage in other fun activities, such as outdoor activities, active sports, reading a good book, planting, and even spending time with friends!
Parents should also establish consistent daily routines for their kids’ screen time, such as the use of checklists and charts to log their screen time hours per week.
Recommended Screen-Free Activities
Looking for more screen-free activities for your bored kids at home? Check out these recommended activity ideas for your childs boredom buster!
501 Screen Free Activities for Kids101 Things for Kids to do: Screen-freeKid’s Simple Screen-Free Summer (Simple Homestead: Patterns for Humble Living)150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids: The Very Best and Easiest Playtime Activities from!Brilliant Screen-Free Stuff To Do With Kids: A Handy Reference for Parents & Grandparents!Screen-Free Playtime Activity Book: More Than 100 Brain-Building Activities for Busy, Happy Kids
Screen Free Activities for Kids + Screen Time Checklist
With the ever-growing popularity of digital devices and online content, it can really be challenging to help our kids find a balance in technology use with other activities.
These screen-free activities are a great way to encourage, not just the kids, but the entire family to take part in creative, physical, and educational experiences that don’t involve technology!
Some of the most well-known screen-free activities are included in this list, but what’s even more fun are the unique and out-of-the-box activity ideas included in the list to keep your kids off their screens for longer periods of time.
This fun printable screen-free pack also includes a useful screen time tracker and checklist, these tools can help moms or if they’re old enough, let you or them keep track of their daily screen time usage as well as promote a routine for your child to avoid unnecessary negotiations (or tantrums!) for longer screen time hours.
You can even involve your child in planning these easy screen-free activities! This list can provide kids and parents with an opportunity to build meaningful connections, foster creativity, increase physical activity levels, and create positive memories that will last a lifetime.
It’s also a great way for adults to model healthy technology use habits for their kids. So what are you waiting for? Grab your free copy below!
Get your screen free activities + checklist below
Print out this screen time checklist to have your kids keep track of the hours they are spending in front of screens. Hopefully, this will be an eye-opening experience for them and they will learn to police themselves.
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