Must-See Sample Homeschool Schedules to Help You Plan
Are you looking for some sample homeschool schedules? Starting your homeschool journey can be intimating and overwhelming. One of the biggest challenges of homeschooling is finding a schedule and routine that works best for your family.
That is where these homeschool schedule examples will come in handy. Remember, creating your own schedule can be trial and error, so it may take a little while to get going.
If you want to learn more ideas on how to fix your homeschool schedule, I have here some Homeschooling Schedule Ideas to Help You Plan.
>> See more Homeschool Schedule Printables
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Recommended Homeschool Planning Ideas
Not sure where to start with your homeschool planning? Grab the Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom to help you get started on your homeschool plans.
Need a way to organize your plans? Grab the Unorganized Mom Printable Homeschool Planner here.
Recommended Homeschool Planning Must-haves
Need more help getting your homeschool plans together?
Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom
This Homeschool Planning for the Unorganized Mom is perfect for moms who lack organization, need to plan a little more but hate having the entire day scheduled down to the minute, and someone who is agonized over which homeschool planner to buy.
Unorganized Mom Printable Homeschool Planner
If you want to go from chaos to calm, this undated and customizable planner is for you!
Sample Homeschool Schedules
It can be hard to figure out how much school to have
You can see examples of homeschool schedules from myself and other homeschool bloggers to get an idea of the many different ways that families choose to schedule their days.
Daily Homeschool Schedule
For young children, a daily homeschool schedule can created so they know what to expect each and every day.
That way they’ll know when school is over and then when they can expect screen time without them having to ask you a million times before then.
I also suggest incorporating chore time here so that it is completed before screen time.
Young children can have a visual schedule with picture cards while kids who can read can use a check list.
Weekly Homeschool Schedule
Your school week can look like any way you’d like. You may decide to work around dad’s schedule, when we did that, we did school Tuesday to Sunday so that we took off the days he was home from work.
For older kids, I layout all of the work the child has to complete for the week and they can check it off as they go.
Alternative Homeschool Schedules
You may decide not to follow the traditional school calendar or you may decide homeschool year round.
We have done a 4 day a week schedule and then homeschooled through the summer, we’ve done a complete break in the summer and decided never to do that again, lol.
Find what works, work in your vacation days and decide what will keep your family on the best routine.
Sample Daily Homeschool Schedules for 3 Kids
Homeschooling three different grade levels can get confusing, this helpful schedule example will be a handy idea to check out. I had a child in grade 1, 4 and 11.
Create a Homeschool Schedule That Works for You by My Joy Filled Life
See the example block schedule that was put together so you can see how this works in a homeschool.
Printable Visual Toddler Schedule by Highchair Chronicles
Kids enjoy being able to visually see what needs to be done which makes this printable visual toddler schedule handy.
Homeschool Schedule Examples by Hess Un-Academy
These great example show you the various kinds of homeschool schedules that you can do and some tips on following those schedules.
Tips on Creating A Homeschool Schedule by Homeschooling in Progress
Get some tips on creating your own homeschool schedule that will also help simplify your day with this homeschool schedule example.
Printable Homeschool Schedule by Simplify Create Inspire
This printable homeschool schedule is a great thing to have on hand and will help set a routine for your homeschool.
Online Learning Daily Schedule by The Denver Housewife
If you are homeschooling online, this is a great schedule that will allow your child to keep track of their online activities or classes.
Homeschool Schedule for Kids by The Denver Housewife
A great example of how you can setup a homeschool schedule, this homeschool example gives you a few ideas for each hour of the day.
Homeschool Schedule Ideas by How to Homeschool my Child
See ideas for how you can start on your daily, weekly and monthly homeschool schedules.
These homeschool schedule examples are a great starting point and should give you plenty of ideas on getting started. You can take these ideas and examples to create your own schedule that works so that you can homeschool successfully.
More Homeschool Schedules Ideas
Printable Visual Homeschool Schedule