How to Homeschool Boys Series

This was initially planned as a 31 day series and I’m linking over at The Nesting Place, however, it didn’t turn out that way. There are some great topics out there so make sure you check out the other 31 dayers as well. It’s going to be a lot of fun. There is no question that all my experience homeschooling for the last 6 years, has been about boys. We also have a wonderful little princess who is 1, but we haven’t started homeschooling her just yet.
Ideas on how to homeschool boys because they sure are different from girls
I have a 5 year old boy who is full of energy and makes me laugh all day. He’s rambunctious with a temper, he loves math and science and hates writing. He’s a pretty typical boy. He’d rather play with his cars, Transformers or outside then do school. He does love to read though, thank goodness. Well, actually he likes to be read to, when it comes to him reading, he’d rather run away. I also have a 7th grader, which scares me. He’s soon to be 12 and with each day comes a little more attitude. I never saw myself homeschooling the middle grades, but here we are. He spends his time building legos, writing comic books, or reading anything he can get his hands on. He prefers to spend his time creating and building rather than writing or math. He’s my creative bugger who hates math and loves history. He could care less about textbooks but loves a good fiction or non-fiction book about anything war, battle, or weapons related. We’ve hit puberty here in this house and it ain’t pretty. There are days that I want to spend crying. I feel like failure as a teacher and a mother. But, there are days where I’m glad that I get to spend them with my boys (and baby girl) which makes up for all of those bad ones. I’m going to share what we’re using in our homeschooling, what works and what doesn’t, and our favourite books and toys. Hopefully by the end of this, other mothers will have read my story and continued on homeschooling with a lighter heart. Our days are never close to perfect but whose is.

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How to Homeschool Boys

  1. Why We Homeschool Our Boys
  2. How to Find My Boys’ Learning Styles
  3. Why We Chose an Eclectic Homeschooling Style
  4. How to Find a Balanced Screen time Schedule for Boys
  5. Get into a Homeschool Routine – Make a Schedule
  6. How to Teach Boys to Read
  7. The Benefits of Physical Activities in your Homeschool

My new and old posts related to homeschooling boys



  1. I have boys too so am looking forward to your writing. My youngest is 5 and oldest is 10

    1. oh that’s similar to my boys

  2. Just dropping by from 31 Days. It’s so true, boys do learn differently!

    1. Yes definitely true!

  3. Your children sound so fun. I love that your oldest loves hisotry. I do too and I always do lots of it with my children. I have some history ideas on my blog I would love for you to check them out and let me know what you think. The address is

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