I’ve given tips on how to create our homeschool schedule but what have you filled it with? What extracurricular activities would your child love? If you’ve followed along in my 31 Days to a Better Homeschool series, we’ve discussed goals and schedules but you also need to round out your schedule with some extracurricular activities.
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Does your child love sports? Any kind of team sports like soccer or baseball is a great way to stay social and physically active for your kids.
Martial arts
Although I guess this activity could go under sports, I consider it more for personal development. You are physically active but it’s up to you to work towards your goal yourself. My son who does not love team sports was more willing to try judo. His homeschooled friend was in it and he wanted to join him. It turned out to be great way to learn about following directions, more coordination and exercise.
He’s a clumsy one so our goal was to help him get more coordinated and he had fun doing it. They played a lot of wonderful games, since it was a big class to build team skills.
If you don’t have a sports lover, how about catering to their creative side with art or dance. There’s so many options here and I only have sports lovers here with my boys.
We consider swimming a life skill, it’s necessary for survival, particularly if you’re near water. This is a non-negotiable activity that our whole family is into and it’s a great way to spend family together and being active.
Classes will vary by location but can include quilting, dairy, camping, knitting and animals. If there’s someone available to teach then it can be a class. Costs are usually very reasonable.
Computers are here to stay, perhaps you have a techy child who would love to learn how to code and design games. They’re are not going anywhere so you might as well embrace it. My child is learning html and css through Code Academy and it’s free. I hope to employ him to do some work for me once he’s done.
For those that are musically impaired, that is me, you may need to outsource music lessons to others. Ask around to see where other homeschoolers are taking lessons. Check out the local university and see if there are music students who offer lessons.
If you haven’t found anything that would work for your child or that is in your budget, considering starting your own co-op. You never know what skills other parents may be able to offer your child. You could teach their children while they teach yours a new skill or activity. My friend teaches a co-op in her home where she teaches cello and her kids learn science and french from the other parents, areas where she feels that are weak.
Follow along in my 31 Days to a Better Planned Homeschool series.
You’ll also want to check out the other 26 bloggers in this series as well and join our Homeschool Tips 4 Moms Facebook group if you’d like to connect with other homechooling mothers.