Are you looking into homeschooling and wondering what method to use? What about unit studies?
What is a unit study? It is the study of a topic or theme using numerous school subjects. For example, if we were studying butterflies, you would incorporate their history, geography – where they are found, math – count butterflies in your backyard, and science – raise caterpillars. Your homeschool revolves around one theme to unite all your studies.
First decide on a topic, ask your student what they would like to study and plan accordingly. The children will be more engaged in your studies if they are able to have some input. Also discuss how they would like to study the topic, they may have some ideas.
Some suggestions:
Field trips
Notebooking pages or lapbooks
Videos or Documentaries
If you get some books on the topic you can scan the table of contents to see what areas you would like to study. There are many ebooks on various unit studies as well that come with recommended resources.
Unit studies are great for families that want to spend time studying together. You can design or select activities that are appropriate for the ages of your children. That way you can teach your fourth grader and seventh grader together but may have specific requirements from each. You could require a written summary and drawing from your fourth grader and ask your seventh grader to research a related topic and write an essay on that topic.
If you need some help take a look a this units studies book:
If you’re looking for help planning your own study and need an workbook resource, take a look at Delightful Planning from Ben and Me, it’s also on sale until the end of the month, yeah!
Unit studies require more planning on your part but you would be able to teach your children together to include all ages. The children will also be more engaged if they are allowed to choose the theme and contribute their ideas as to what they will be learning.
This post is a part of my 31 day series – Ultimate List of Homeschooling Questions.