Weather Activities for Preschoolers
There are so many ways to explore the weather and all the different kinds of conditions that come along with it with your kids! From rain showers, hot sunny days, and snowy wonderlands – you’ll be amazed at how quickly your child will be fascinated with the weather while having the time of their life enjoying these weather activities for preschoolers.
And if you enjoy doing similar learning activities about the weather with your kids, check out all my other Fun Weather Activities for Kids here.
Just imagine how your child’s mind lights up with excitement every time a storm rolls in or when snow begins to fall!
Not only will they love understanding how changes in temperature or environment form unique effects but it will also help them develop their curiosity about natural phenomena at an early age.
Teaching your kids about the types of weather can be turned into fun-filled science learning! Help them understand what they observe around them on a daily basis. You can start by explaining the 5 basic types of weather such as sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, and cloudy.
You can use visuals and hands-on activities like the ones I’ve listed in this blog post to show them how each type of weather affects their environment.
These activities will engage your child’s curiosity while helping them learn more about the different types of weather.
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Recommended Weather Books for Preschoolers
Enrich your child’s curious mind by reading through these colorful and easy-to-understand weather books. Go through an exciting adventure with your child as they learn how the weather affects our surroundings and how they can protect themselves from each weather occurrence.
All About Weather: A First Weather Book for KidsOh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today?: All About Weather (Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library)Rain, Snow or Shine: A Book About the WeatherThe Wonder Of Thunder: Lessons From A ThunderstormMy Little Golden Book About WeatherNational Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Weather (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books)
Recommended Weather Activity Kits
From creating a magnetic weather calendar to coloring their favorite weather, let them enjoy learning through these recommended educational toys and activities about the weather.
Melissa & Doug My First Daily Magnetic Activities Calendar For PreschoolersPreschool Learning Activities by Chalk and Chuckles – Board Game to Learn About Seasons and WeatherWATINC My First Daily Calendar Felt-Board for KidsCraftstory Kids Weather Flannel Felt-Board Story Preschool ToysTender Leaf Toys – Weather Watch – Educational Wooden Weatherboard for KidsWeather Coloring Book For Kids
Weather Activities for Preschoolers
With just a little bit of effort, you can make learning about the different types of weather exciting for your kids with all of these weather activities for preschoolers!
Teach your snow-loving kid this popsicle stick snowflake craft while teaching them all about snowy weather!
Rain clouds will not look so gloomy to your homeschooler anymore once they enjoy doing this fun rain cloud jar activity.
Enjoy creating puffy-looking clouds with your little science lover with this easy clouds in a jar experiement.
What better way to cheer up your kid's day than a sunny craft activity with them? This activity needs simple supplies that are usually present in your child's learning materials.
If your curious kids wanted to learn more about how rain cloud works, they'll surely love creating this paper plate cloud craft!
Create this fun and colorful umbrella craft with your young ones while teaching them about the rainy weather and the letter U!
The best activities are the ones using extraordinary materials! Learn all about the rainy clouds with your little science explorer while creating this unique bubble wrap craft with your kids.
Let your kids create their own sunshine and learn more about this hot weather with this easy paper plate sunshine craft!
Sunny weather can be uplifting most times, teach your preschooler all about this weather and how it helps out our surroundings.
The sunny weather can be one of the most fun weathers for your kids, they can go outdoors and enjoy being active. Teach your little ones more about the sun with this simple and cute doily sun craft for kids.
Create more fun weather crafts with your kids using one simple material you can usually find at home— popsicle stick!
Enjoy doing this umbrella paper plate sun catcher with your child and boost their creativity and science learning at the same time.
Rainy day can be a sad time for your overly active homeschoolers, teach them how to make rainy day paper umbrellas and turn that frown upside down!
Mimmick how a hurricane works and let your child learn about it with this make a hurricane activity for preschoolers.
Learning about clouds with your young ones will never be this fun! Discover how to make a puffy paint clouds with your kids while teaching them how clouds form.
Help your preschoolers gain an understanding of their environment and surroundings. These weather activities for preschoolers will help engage your child’s curiosity while encouraging their creativity, and motor skills while learning more about the world around them!
More Weather Activities
Types of Clouds Activity with Cotton Balls
Make a Rain Gauge by Imagination Tree
Build a Science Weather Station by Gift of Curiosity