Lapbooks are a great way to do some fun learning with children.
What is a lapbook?
Lapbooks are made of file folders that are folded into a shutter flap so it opens up. Inside you have mini booklets that have a question or theme and the answers are inside. There are a variety of ways a booklet can be folded to demonstrate a topic.
They are really fun and my visual learner loves lapbooks since we were introduced to them in the 3rd grade. He is now in the 6th and still loves them.
There are loads of topics that you can cover in your summer lapbook. I find that because I want to cover a broad topic, it’s nice to take bits and pieces from different lapbooks or it may be easier to create your own.
If you have never completed a lapbook, I suggest doing a free one with your child to see how you both like it.
Make a list of what you would like to cover and learn. Ask your children what they would like to learn. This will get them more involved and excited about their project as well.
Topics that you can cover in your summer lapbook include:
The beach
Plants and flowers
Extreme weather: ie. tornadoes, hurricanes…
The sun
Canada Day or Independence day (where ever you are)
LOVE this idea- thanks! I really cannot believe that school is almost back in session.
We use lapbooks for on the road learning love the video