Learning does not have to take place with only books, learning can take place wherever you go and whatever materials you have on hand. It can as expensive or as frugal as you make it.
50+ bloggers have come together to create this awesome resource of 150+ activities for young kids. If you have a toddler or preschooler, then you’ll need to check out this great wealth of knowledge.
Each page lists exactly what materials you’ll need for the activity with clear pictures of how to use it. There are 4 sections, general arts and crafts, early childhood education, life skills and seasonal activities.
You’ll have plenty of ideas for activities for the whole year. This books is aimed at kids from toddlers to kindergarten. So if you have little ones are worrying about how to occupy them as you homeschool the older children, this would be a great resource.
I just got my copy yesterday and I was so excited, the first time I saw my name in print. My daughter has already gone through the book to pick out some of her favorite activities we’ll have to try.
I’m so amazed at the quality of posts and images that all of these bloggers have put together and I’m so excited to be a part of it.
I have a felt activity that I created based on my Mo Willem’s Pigeon felt storyboard that I created and expanded upon in the book. Seeing your name in print is just so exciting.
The Learn with Play book can be purchased at a special price of only $14.95.