How To Teach Grit
growth mindset. This is when students know they can improve any skill when they work hard. This is an important phrase to instill into our kids, because as we all know not everything will come easy to us. The thrill of learning is when your hard work pays off. When something seemed so hard now becomes easy and enjoyable to do. People with a growth mindset will not only do better in life, but they will also find life more enjoyable.
My heart’s desire is for my daughter to develop her talents at her full potential. I want her to believe with persistence and hard work she can find creative solutions to any challenge that stands in her way.
“Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” – Angela Duckworth
How to Teach Grit
I have a child who will often shy away from challenges. She won’t try to do new things. I know a lot of this comes from the fear of failure. The fear of not being good enough. There are many resources out there to explain the importance of grit and perseverance, but how do you teach it? As a parent I could leave it up to fate, but I want to put some grit into this parenting gig. I want all of my kids to succeed in life, so I’ve been digging deep into this topic and have found ways to teach this skill.
There’s an educational buzz phrase going around called - The One Hard Thing Rule