How to Organize Your Homeschool Room
We’ve discussed how to organize your notebooks and school supplies so we’re now moving onto our homeschool room. The 31 days to a better planned homeschool is heading into it’s last week so I hope you’re enjoying all of these tips. You have the curriculum and the plans, now how do you want to set up your homeschool room?
What if you don’t have a homeschool room? I don’t. We do school at our kitchen table. Pros: I can watch them as I’m cooking,there’s plenty of space for all 3 of my kids and we’re all together. Cons: we need to eat on our homeschool table, which means everything has to be cleared for lunch and snacks because accidents do happen and I can’t risk my books, I can’t keep an eye on the littles if they move to the living room. Luckily my youngest is 3 now and not a trouble maker usually, so it’s not so bad at this age, but it could pose a problem if I had a younger child who demanded more attention (hint hint getting some baby fever with a hubby who is finished).
Have a place for all of your books and curriculum. I have two set of book shelves on either side of my couch. One side is for curriculum. This is our current curriculum or special things that I may pull out. Previous or next years curriculum is in a plastic bin in the basement or my second floor storage closet.
The other side of my book shelves holds activities for my youngest to pull out and on her own. The bottom holds all of our library books and nothing else.
Work area
It can be a desk or table or seat on the floor, you child needs a work area of their own, where they can do their work. This should also house their supplies like pencils, erasers and everything else. I keep this at the dinner table but it gets move once our day is over because it’s just too much clutter.
Keep it organized
Do you see my table? All the seats have lids and there’s storage inside there. I love my table! It current holds play dough and their toys, dolls, play food and puzzles. There’s no way that stuff would fit on my book shelves and I don’t want to have to travel upstairs or the basement to get things that they use pretty often.
I’ve lived in an apartment before so this is the first time we ever had book shelves isn’t that crazy. I used my linen closet  and rubbermaid bins then to hold everything. Just make your space work for you.
Each child has their own space on the shelf so if it’s messy I know who to call on. They’re responsible for their own space and need to help clean up at the end of the day. That way you don’t lose your mind trying to do it all.
Follow along in my 31 Days to a Better Planned Homeschool series.
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