Can You Homeschool an Only Child Well?

Are you worried about homeschooling an only child? What about socialization? It will definitely take a bit of work on your part but it can be done. There are many families who have only one student. If you’ve decided to homeschool, there is no reason why you should not be able to homeschool your only child. What are the reasons you are homeschooling? Chances are you want to take your child’s education into your own hands to provide something better. If this is the primary reason for educating your child then you cannot fail. Can You Homeschool an Only Child Well? Advantages to homeschooling (just in case you needed to be reminded):
  • work at your child’s pace
  • choose your own curriculum
  • religious freedom
  • address issues or learning disabilites
  • flexible schedule
You can still reap all the benefits of homeschooling and there are additional benefits to homeschooling an only child a well. Benefits of homeschool an only child
  • 1:1 student to teacher ratio
  • no sibling distractions
  • more efficient
  • less marking and planning for you
With homeschooling, everyone is worried about socialization. There are plenty of opportunities for your child to make friends. Join your child up for extracurricular activities, join a co-op where they can take classes with other students, church groups, and play dates. Join a local homeschool group and head out to some of their activities to meet other children. There are plenty of places for your child to make friends, you just have to look and make an effort to stay in contact with them. If you’ve chosen to homeschool, you have decided to make education the primary focus and not worrying about peer pressure and bullying. You are doing the best thing for your child. Homeschooling your only child will also allow you to have a great amount of time together to really get to know them. Enjoy these year homeschooling, because they’ll be over before you know it. Homeschooling an only child, can be very rewarding, if you are dedicated to teaching your child, you can only benefit him in the long run. Be sure to read the other posts in my Ultimate List of Homeschooling Questions series.Thinking about homeschooling? Get your questions answered

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