Homeschool Curriculum Planner

Are you looking for a homeschool curriculum planner? I have the perfect solution for you! My homeschool curriculum planner is designed to help you easily plan and organize your homeschooling lessons. It’s also great for keeping track of your child’s progress.

You can use our planner to create custom lesson plans that fit your child’s needs and interests. Plus, it’s easy to use – just enter your weekly schedule to keep track of what needs to be done for the week.

Like these planner pages? See this list of homeschool planner printables.

Keep reading the get curriculum planner today and start planning your lessons tomorrow!

Homeschool Curriculum Planner

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See a list of my favorite Amazon Deals for your home and homeschool.

Homeschool Curriculum Planner Benefits

A homeschool curriculum planner can be a lifesaver for homeschooling families. It helps to keep track of homeschool activities and ensure that everything is getting done.

You can use the planner to plan out what curriculum you’ll use for each subject with each child. You can track if you need to buy it and compare prices or the location of it if you already own it.

This will help you budget for your curriculum for the new school year and help you locate any files or books that you’ll need for this year.

Without a homeschool curriculum planner, it would be easy to let homeschooling fall by the wayside. However, with a planner, homeschooling can be a breeze.

Homeschool Curriculum Planner

Print out one page for each child and plan out which curriculum you’ll use for each child. If you’re teaching multiple children, there may be some subjects like history and science that you can teach together.

How to print your planner

I have the HP printer 8710 but it’s not available anymore. It’s still running well for years now. Look for another HP Instant Ink ready printer so that you can use their program to send you ink cartridges whenever your printer gets low on ink.

Recommended Homeschool Books

If you need a guide and inspiration about homeschooling, these homeschooling books for moms will be your best friend.

Recommended Homeschooling Books for Moms

Are you new to homeschooling? Don’t worry, I’ve got you! Here are some of my favorite books that will equip and help you during your homeschool journey.

Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom: An easy-to-follow plan for successful homeschooling when you don’t even know where to startHomeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom: An easy-to-follow plan for successful homeschooling when you don’t even know where to startThe Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and LifeThe Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and LifeThe Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your KidsThe Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your KidsThe Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at HomeThe Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at HomeA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningThe Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child's EducationThe Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education


Homeschool Curriculum Planner

Recommended Homeschool Schedule Organizers

Grab this Personalized Chalkboard Homeschool Schedule that you can hang on your kitchen or dining room wall so kids will always be aware of the things they need to complete.

If you want a smaller one, get this Printable Homeschool Schedule instead and feel free to edit and personalize it according to your homeschooling needs.

 Personalized Chalkboard Homeschool Schedule
 Printable Homeschool Schedule

What’s included in the curriculum planner?

Reading list

Decide on your child’s reading list for the year that will include books that are age appropriate for them to read on their own and any read alouds that you will be doing together. Kids are never too old to be read to.

Curriculum plans

Create a plan for each child. Write down what curriculum you’ll use for that child for each subject you’ll be teaching this year.

Curriculum list

Some curriculum choices you’ll already have and some you’ll need to purchase. Use the list to locate and compare pricing for the curriculum you’ll need for the upcoming school year.

Homeschool Curriculum Planner

Go ahead and print out these pages to get started on your homeschool plans and give you time to shop for any new curriculum you need.

Favorite Homeschool Curriculum

Singapore Math – I used this with my youngers and middle child who are mathy and don’t want a lot of repetition. Once they understand the concept they get to move on and it reviews previous concepts in a mastery way of teaching.

Each level has an A and B set of books that you’d need the teacher guides and workbooks for each. So for grade one you’d need the 1A and 1B books.

Teaching Textbooks – for my oldest who was not mathy and it was not his favorite subject, he really enjoyed using Teaching Textbooks and working math on his own.

Story of the World – I’ve used this with both boys and it was enjoyed by both, one who is a history buff and one who didn’t care of history.

Download the homeschool curriculum planner below

I hope you find this homeschool goal printable helpful as you plan for the upcoming homeschool year. Let me know how it works for you!

Today’s sponsor is Trailblazer Books.

The award-winning TRAILBLAZER BOOKS are action-packed historical fiction introducing great Christian heroes. Each page-turner portrays a significant period in a hero or heroine’s life and ministry as seen through the eyes of a young protagonist.

A page in the front explains exactly what is fiction and which events and characters are historical, and a “More About” chapter at the end provides a brief biographical overview of the hero’s life. We want kids to learn about pioneer missionaries and other important Christians . . . and have fun doing it.

See the other Homeschool Planner Printables in the 10 day series and sign up for the $150 gift card giveaway.

Check this cool Homeschool Lesson Planner Printable and start preparing for a good lesson plan.

More Homeschool Planner Printables

Need more planner printables? Take a look at one of these.

Homeschool Daily Checklist

Homeschool Calendar Printable

Weekly Planner for Kindergarten

Preschool weekly planner template

Toddler Weekly Calendar Printable

Weekly Homeschool Planning Page on My Joy-Filled Homeschool

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