Homeschool Curriculum for 2013-2014 – Grade 7 and Kindergarten
Well, we’re in our first week of school and I’ve finally managed to post our homeschoool curriuclum list. You can check out what out we used last year in our homeschool.
The best thing that we got this summer was the Nexus 7 tablet, the best invention ever. Our laptop recently died so this is what replaced it. We’re able to listen and read our audio and ebooks on it, which I love. Now I just need to find some good and free educational apps. I cannot believe that M1 is in the 7th grade this year. Only 2 more years until high school. That scares me.
I’m looking to shift more ownership onto M1 with his schoolwork. I’ll do this in a separate post but he’ll have his own daily planner where he’ll write out what work needs to be completed in that week. I’ll also have him set up his box of books for each day as well.
M2’s plans are exactly the same as last years, we did not get far our lessons and I was a lot more relaxed since I was finishing my grad studies last year. This year, I hope to stay on track and be consistent with him. He loves school so I want to make him happy. He told me he wants to do harder math like his brother so I need to step it up.
M1 {Grade 7}
Math: Finish Saxon 76 and move onto Saxon 87, Math Mammoth (supplement), Life of Fred: Decimals and Percents
Spelling: Spelling Power
Science: Supercharged Science
History: Finish last 10 chapters of Story of the World 4 move to Ancient Period – Story of the World 1
French: L’Art de Lire 5
Latin: Getting Started with Latin
Art: Meet the Masters
Reading Detective
Homeschool Programming
M2 {Senior Kindergarten}
Math: Saxon 1
Reading: Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lesssons
Phonics: Plaid Phonics A
Writing: copywork
My princess will be all set with her puzzles, play dough and special school time toys. She will also have her own set of books since she likes to color in her brothers. I’m hoping that will prevent her from grabbing their books. M1 hates it when people other than himself doodle in his books.
We are finishing up some things that we were not able to do so from last year like the last 10 chapters from the modern book before we move onto the ancient book.
We are just continuing along onto the next level of our programs from last year. Nothing terribly new except for Supercharged Science. I am hoping that it will get us more experiment based this year.
Hi there! I found you via pinterest. I’m enjoying what I’ve read and your links. I am a first year home school mom. I have a kindergartener age 6 (spring birthday) that is finishing up, a preschooler who just turned 5, she will do K next year, and an almost 3 year old. All girls!!! 🙂 I feel a little more knowledgeable after almost one school year under my belt. But, I’m still in need of a lot more information. After reading some of your posts, I’m thinking my 5 year old is a visual spatial learner. I noticed you mentioned Math U See, but use Saxon Math. I was given almost the entire kit of Saxon 1 by a friend. So do you reccommend Saxon for visual learners?
Thank you,
I can only recommend it for visual learners if you use a lot of manipulatives, when my VSL was in the 3rd grade I used Saxon 3 with the math u see blocks. Math u see was too repetitive for him because it does focus on one operation for the entire year. Since you have it in your possession I start with it and see how it goes. We did the meeting portion orally and I did the writing for him and we only did one side of the worksheet. If you child gets it, move on, no need to keep drilling it in.