Canada’s Wonderland Review
If you’re looking for a great place for the family to travel to then you should visit Canada’s Wonderland. This time we did not forget our stroller so we had a much happier baby. We entered the park around lunch time and stayed until almost close at 9pm. The kids were exhausted but they had a great time. On this day that we went it wasn’t particularly hot so the water park was not an option.
We went on a weekday so we didn’t have to deal with the large crowds. My oldest is not a big roller coaster fan so he didn’t do the large rides. I’m grateful for this because the lineups were definitely longer.
When we first arrive we actually ended up catching a diving/acrobatic show which was really fun. They were jumping and flying off the diving boards and it was all coordinated and really exciting to watch. The kids loved this. It was the perfect timing because as we waited for the show, there were several rides for the kids to go on.
We hung out in the kiddie area in Planet Snoopy and Kidzville. This was perfect as there was a ride for everyone and even though my oldest couldn’t go on everything there was some stuff for him to do while he waited for his younger siblings. We’d often split up if the boys went on something for bigger kids then baby would go with daddy on the baby rides. Or she’d ride with my younger son and it would still fine so I think my youngest boy had the most rides because he was the perfect height for everything. He could go on the bigger rides with his older brother and the baby ones with my daughter as well.
He really didn’t care what it was. He did really enjoy the bumper cars even though he got stuck in a corner and had trouble getting out.
The lineup wasn’t so bad, dad would go on one ride with two of the kids then I’d line up at a nearby ride and the kids would come over. Talk about teamwork. We really didn’t have to do that often at all because the lineups were not that long.
My oldest and I did go on one roller coaster, Minebuster. This is the one roller coaster he went on last year which terrified him from going on any of the other rides. He doesn’t like heights. So he wanted to attack this one head on and didn’t scream as much, thank goodness. My younger son loved all the rides and I could see him riding them all.
I use to be able to ride the big ones but now I just get a headache, talk about old age. That’s why I was grateful that the kids were happy hanging out in the kiddy area.
If you purchase your tickets online at least 3 days in advance you can save $20 and each ticket is $41.99. If you’re in the area the seasons pass will be a better deal if you plan on going more often. You’ll have to pay for parking and it’s $20. There’s no outside food allowed in the park except for baby food, water and snacks. We brought a cooler and left it in the car and then came back out to eat our dinner before heading back in.