10 Things Other Homeschool Moms Want You to Know

Other homeschool moms are can be your best encouragement and best source of information. If you are a new homeschool mom then pick their brains, that is what they are there for! They are there to help and encourage you. Every mom has a moment of sheer panic wondering if she can do this if she can really teach her kids. I remember hearing one mom say to me ‘You only need to me one day smarter than your kids’ it was all I needed to dive in head first. Heed my advice and listen to what other homeschool moms want you to know to save your sanity now. Here are 10 things other homeschool moms want you to know! 1. We don’t care how you homeschool Every homeschool is different, there are hundreds of methods and hundreds of curriculums no family will do it the same as you and no homeschool mom will judge you for how you homeschool your kids. Do what works for you. 2. Don’t stress over socialization This hot button issue is a hot topic for those public school parents but really your kids get better socialized by meeting people of all ages instead of being crammed into a room of kids all their own age. Your kids will be fine. 3. Keep learning fun Think of the teacher you liked best in school, why did you like them? Be that teacher for your kids. The more fun learning is the more they will learn. 4. Listen to others Homeschool moms are full of advice and we want to share it with you. Learn from our mistakes and make your own. Then share your wisdom with others. 5. Get up early Even if you aren’t a morning person you won’t regret it, taking even 30 minutes before your kids wake up to get your thoughts together and have a cup of coffee in quite will transform your day. 6. Set a time for snacks and meal Setting a snack time and lunch time in your routine will give the kids something that is set in stone and something to look forward too. Plus it cuts down on the I’m hungry complaining because they know there is a set meal time. 7. Play with your kids Get down and play with your kids, from Legos and Play-Doh to arts and craft even just a painting session, your kids love having you participate. 8. Be flexible Make sure you are flexible  so you can take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. Some of the best parts of homeschooling are the unplanned surprises. 9. Have home economics class days These are days your kids learn skills they need to take care of a home but in homeschool terms that means these are days you use them to help get your house back on track. Have them help with dinner, cleaning, laundry, etc. yes it totally counts as a school day. 10. Take school outdoors Don’t stay cooped up inside when the weather is nice. Take your school day outside to the porch or yard! What tips do you have for other homeschool moms?


  1. For some reason (actually there are many) this post made me want to cry my eyes out. The home economics day especially. My kids are at the cusp of being able to clean this house til it shines but I have guilt about it. Silly me!

    1. I hope it was in a good way then. Those are important skills. Be proud.

    1. Absolutely, I”m glad it helped.

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