How to Stay Sane While Homeschooling and Expecting a Newborn
Are you expecting a newborn and homeschooling as well? Are you worried you won’t be able to keep up with school and baby? No worries, plan ahead and take some time off to enjoy the baby.
Pregnancy brings a lot of joy and morning sickness as well, you will need to plan ahead a prepare for your little bundle of joy.
Decide how much time you would like to take off once the baby arrives. How will you make up for that time off? You can start the year earlier, if you take summers off, start the new year a few weeks ahead of the time you would normally start. Extend the school year into the summer to make up for the time off. If you school year round, you won’t feel as much pressure trying to fit everything in for the school year.
If you are feeling tired in your last trimester, try to get the basics done – reading, writing and math. Do the same after the baby is born to ease back into your normal schedule so that you are not overwhelmed with school and the baby. You could also work on parent intensive subjects before the baby arrives and assign independent work once the baby is born.
Tips for homeschooling with a newborn on the way:

- Use educational online games
- watch educational movies or documentaries
- Do your read alouds while nursing or cuddling baby
- Prepare frozen meals ahead of time to heat up the first week after baby is born
- Ask for help from family members and friend