Must-try Earth Day Worksheets

Every day on Earth Day we celebrate the Earth by finding ways that we can clean it up and make it healthier. Grab these must-try Earth Day worksheets to help teach your kids about Earth Day.

Don’t forget to take a look at my list of Earth Day Activities for Kids, too.

It’s the perfect time to teach your kids how they can start to take care of the Earth.

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When is Earth Day?

On April 22nd every year, we celebrate the Earth on Earth Day. We want to find ways to clean up the pollution and garbage and plant trees because it helps our environment.

We can use this day to bring awareness to our kids but it will hopefully turn into a year-long focus to always stop littering and trying to find ways to keep sustainable habits going in our home.

If you love these worksheets, don’t forget to check more activities like this in my Earth Science for Kids blog post.

You can find out more about Earth Day here.

What do you do on Earth Day?

You can watch documentaries and learn more about the pollution that is happening around the world in the air, water, and on land.

One of the best things you can do for your community is grab a pair of gloves and a garbage bag and head out to your local park or trail to pick up garbage.

I bet you’ll find a lot of garbage that can avoid the landfill and be recycled instead. Bring a separate bag to add recyclables.

Find a place to plant a tree or work on creating a garden in your own background. Growing your own produce or adding plants for bees and butterflies to visit is a wonderful way to help the Earth.

>> See more Earth day printables for kids

What is the Earth Hour?

On the last day Saturday in March, people around the world turn off their lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30pm. It brings awareness to saving our planet. For one hour, you turn everything off in your home. It’s fun to see what ideas the kids come up with to do during this time.

Plants, animals, and humans are all affected by pollution and litter. Help the Earth by teaching your kids what is harmful to the Earth.

What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our PlanetWhat a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our PlanetWhat If Everybody Did That?What If Everybody Did That?My Friend Earth: (Earth Day Books with Environmentalism Message for Kids, Saving Planet Earth, Our Planet Book)My Friend Earth: (Earth Day Books with Environmentalism Message for Kids, Saving Planet Earth, Our Planet Book)One EarthOne EarthSave the Ocean (Save the Earth)Save the Ocean (Save the Earth)Trees Make Perfect Pets: A Story About Nature, Plants And Gardening For KidsTrees Make Perfect Pets: A Story About Nature, Plants And Gardening For Kids


What’s included in the Earth Day Worksheets?

  • Help the Earth sorting activity
  • Earth day coloring page
  • Coloring helpful things for the Earth page
  • Earth day writing assignment
  • Earth day word search

Sort out what is helpful and what is harmful to the Earth in this worksheet.

I’ve also added a fun coloring page that your kids can put up for Earth day.

You can use the books to discuss ways your kids can help reduce, reuse and recycle items around the home.

End it with a fun word search activity for more environmental vocabulary words they can learn about.

How to talk to your kids about Earth day?

Talk about garbage and litter that is found in their neighborhood and parks and see what they’d like to do about it.

Discuss how pollution affects our lakes and oceans and the animals that live in them. From the chemicals we use in our laundry to what farmers use on their fields, it affects all of us.

Show them how they can sort garbage into glass, plastic, paper and metal so that they can be recycled.

See what projects you can come up with to reuse a glass jar or metal can like a painted pencil holder or to store other materials.

Decide to grow your own plants or food in your backyard and have them help you plan out a garden. Kids are super excited when asked to decide what goes into your garden.

They want to try everything. And watching and taking care of a seed to adult plant is a great learning experience for them.

Download the Earth day worksheets PDF below

Earth day doesn’t have to happen on just one day. We can study the Earth and learn to take better care of it any day of the year.

Today’s sponsor for the 10 Days of Spring Homeschooling Fun series is Common Sense Press.

You can find wide array of engaging homeschool curriculum for various subjects:

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  • Wordsmith
  • Great Science Adventures
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Use code CSPFUN23 until 3/31/23 for 20% off your entire order at Common Sense Press.

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More Earth Day Activities

Earth Day Crafts

Take some time out this Earth Day to create something special with your family that can symbolize your dedication to caring for the planet with these Earth Day Crafts!

Earth Day Science Activities

If you’re looking into incorporating science into your Earth Day activities, this list is the perfect pick for you!

Earth Day Activities for Elementary Students

By studying why we celebrate Earth Day, your elementary-grade child can start learning about reducing their carbon footprint and protecting our wonderful world.

Earth Day Coloring Pages for Kids

This year’s Earth Day will be so fun and colorful with these Earth Day coloring pages! This a great opportunity to practice your kids’ creativity skills and focus!

Earth Day Preschool Activities

Introducing Earth Day with these Earth Day Preschool Activities can be a great way to get your kids excited and interested in protecting our planet.

Printable Earth Day Bookmarks

If you need a fun activity to do with your kids this Earth day, try this printable Earth Day bookmarks! Your kids can share their finished bookmarks with friends and family, too!

Sort Your Recycling Worksheets

Need to know how to sort your garbage? Grab this.

DIY Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder

Don’t throw your toilet paper roll away, you can use it for this cool peanut butter bird feeder.

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