Fun Sentence Starters for Reluctant Writers

Do you have a reluctant writer? I know it can be hard to know where or how to get started on encouraging your child to write. And sometimes, it’s even harder to get kids to love writing, but it isn’t impossible. We are here to help! It is now easy to share some fun sentence starters that will get your kids laughing AND writing!

First, begin with some interesting sentence starters. We have a great printable sentence strip game for you in this post. They are some wonderfully creative sentence starters that will get kids’ minds jogging and they will begin writing their own sentences, paragraphs and stories in no-time! Reluctant writers will be a thing of the past!

We are here to help! It is now easy to share some fun sentence starters that will get your kids laughing AND writing!

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Fun Sentence Starters

To make this creative writing sentence starters activity, you will need: this printable (in this post), a color printer, cardstock, and scissors.  

Alright, print out these writing sentence starters in color and cut out the rectangle and the strips. On the rectangle, there are six vertical lines. Use one blade of your scissors and cut over each line so the strips can slide in and be moved from side to side.

These examples for sentence starters have a subject, a verb and a predicate. The rectangle indicates where each strip goes and the strips are also marked with what they are, subject, verb or predicate.

We are here to help! It is now easy to share some fun sentence starters that will get your kids laughing AND writing!

These are great sentence starters for kids because they help get the kids’ minds jogging (and laughing) for them to start writing their own sentences, paragraphs and stories. We include 2 strips with subjects, 2 strips with verbs and 2 strips of predicates.

We also have one empty strip for each so your kids can fill them out once they get their creative juices going. Once they have slid the strips to make a sentence, my kids use fun lined paper to help with handwriting, penmanship and fine motor skills practice. They can also draw a picture to go with their sentences.

Printable Sentence Strips for Reluctant Writers

Now it’s your turn to get this awesome list of sentence starters! Get your reluctant kids writing with this fantastic sentence builder game. Just follow the instructions below and check your inbox for the file! That’s it!

We are here to help! It is now easy to share some fun sentence starters that will get your kids laughing AND writing!

Don’t you just love these funny sentence starters? Kids will have a blast with these sentence starters for kids.

Get the Fun Sentence Starters Here >>

Thank you for reading our Fun Sentence Starters – Printable Sentence Strips for Reluctant Writers post!

Funny and Creative Sentence Starters for Kids

Sidewalk Chalk Ideas for Early Writing

Printable Copywork for Kids

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