Does Your Homeschool have a Mission Statement?
Does Your Homeschool have a Mission Statement? If not, it’s time to start thinking about getting one!
If you’re thinking of homeschooling and even if you’ve been doing it for awhile, have you considered giving your homeschool a mission statement? What is the reason you are homeschooling?
Have you really thought about this? Put it into writing so that it will serve as a reminder to everyone in your homeschool.
It’s a great daily reminder of what you’re doing this for and a great way to stay motivated and on track.
Make certain to check out my Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom to get some great tips on getting organized for the upcoming school year.
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Does your homeschool need a mission statement?
No, your homeschool won’t fall apart if you don’t have one, but it’s great to start planning your homeschool year by evaluating the purpose of your homeschool.
Why are you homeschooling? What skills or issues will you be addressing this year and what will be a priority in your homeschool. Thinking through these questions will give you a clear path to plan your homeschool around.
When days are tough and you feel like you want to throw in the towel, a glance at your mission statement will give you a much needed reminder of why you started this crazy adventure in the first place. Let’s face it we all have those days.
Homeschooling is amazing but there are times when having a mission statement can be that gentle reminder of staying on task and staying in focus. You can even enlist the kids in helping to create one!
If you can take the time and sit down to talk about what a mission statement is and why it’s important, the kids can then easily give some ideas about what should be included as well.
Completely this as a family is a great way to have them be involved while also holding them accountable. That way they can then have an active interest in the mission statement since they helped to create it and formulate it as well.
What should a mission statement include?
Really anything that you want. It shouldn’t be too long and feel like a bunch of rules, but it should be long enough to get the point across.
When you stop and think about homeschooling, what comes to mind? Write down those thoughts and adjectives on a piece of paper and take a step back and read them. Those thoughts and words are really your mission statement, just a bit jumbled up on paper.
Find a way to string them together in a few sentences or a paragraph that reads well and is a gentle reminder of your purpose in homeschooling.
You can then put this up on the wall, the fridge, or someone in the area that you are homeschooling as a reminder of what it is that you’re hoping and trying to accomplish.
You don’t need to memorize or recite it daily but when you’re feeling a bit stressed, it can be super helpful to take a few deep breaths – and read it slowly to yourself or even outloud to the kids.
It’s a great reminder when things are feeling a bit chaotic or strenous and a simple way that can get everyone reeled in and back on track.
What can a mission statement do?
A mission statement will give your homeschool a path to strive for even on those tough days when it seems that no one is listening or when no one wants to do any work or when you feel like throwing the math book across the room.
All businesses create mission statements for their place or work and you are doing serious work by taking on their education. Start out right a create your mission statement today, print it out and place it where you and everyone else can read it as needed.
Get the Does Your Homeschool Have a Mission Statement Printable Here >>
Follow along in my 31 Days to a Better Planned Homeschool series.
You’ll also want to check out the other 26 bloggers in this series as well to see what their 31 day series is all about.
More Homeschooling Tips to Start Off the New Year
Some people homeschool all year while others take a break during the summer months. The great thing about homeschooling is that you get to do what works best for you and your family.
I’ve known families that do all different ways and they all love that they have the flexibility to set up their days in a way that works for their family best. That’s just might be one of the biggest perks of homeschooling!
If your family isn’t a “morning family”, you can choose a little bit later of a start time instead. As long as you’re getting the hours in (and following any required guidelines, etc. per your state), you can afford the freedom to tailor your homeschooling days in the best way possible.
The other thing that I’ve learned when it comes to homeschooling is that every child is different. This is a great way to find a program that tailors to the needs of each of your children.
The more that you can explore things that they love learning about, the more that they’re going to want to learn. This is a simple way to make them actually want to learn more and have fun while doing it!
This is especially great if you have kids who vary in what they like to do. Some like math, some like reading, and the choices are even more than that. When you can dial in that focus, great things can happen!
Have fun creating your very own mission statement for your classroom at home. It’s a great way to remember what it’s all about!