10 Fun Rainy Day Activities for Kids
The kids are off of school and home for the summer, what can they do during those rainy days when they can’t get outside? You don’t want them inside climbing the walls or complaining they’re bored either.
Some of our favorite activities that my kids enjoy, they enjoy playing with each other so it’s a rare event to hear that they are bored, but it’s nice to change things up once in a while.
1. Listen to Audiobooks
My kids love reading and sometimes mama just needs to give her voice a break. We love listening to audiobooks as a family, its great when you can pick up a classic and have your children enjoy the same books that you enjoyed as a child.
2. Build a Race Track
All you need are paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls and masking tape. You tape the rolls onto your wall or window and race pom pom balls down the chutes to see who wins, you could even cut the tubes in half and make a course for your cars.
3. Watch a movie
We try to keep screen time to a minimum in the summer so the kids will spend their time outside and building or creating. So if they get to watch a movie during the day, it’s a real treat.
4. DIY Jewelry
Collect beads and string and have them ready for your kids to break out if they’d like to make their own necklace or jewelry, my son use to make all kinds of gifts with his babysitter us and  I still have some of them, it’s great to know that they’ve made something specially for you. This also doubles as a great fine motor activity.
5. Art Supplies
Let your children get their creative juices going by ensuring that you have art supplies available for them to use as they please. I’ll let my kids scroll through Pinterest to find a project that they’d like to work on and which is great since I’m not super creative in this department.
6. Building Blocks
Just let them build as they please, bring out a Lego set or wooden blocks and see what your kids come up with. My kids spend hours with their blocks building cities and robots to destroy them. It’s different every day and it’s our most used toy.
7. Create a comic book
For some reason writing in a comic book is a lot more fun than traditional writing projects. My son loves creating his own comic books, he may use TV shows for inspiration but comes up with some pretty cool dialogue for them. The effort that is put into writing and drawing is so amazing and a great piece of work to showcase to family.
8. Board games
Good old board games, the forgotten play ideas. They are not my kids 1st choice but once we get going with a board game, they don’t want to stop. Our current favorites are Jenga and Scrabble. Yes, we get to play and practice our spelling too.
9. Puppet Theatre
Create a puppet theatre for your stuffed animals with an old diaper box, or you can use your dolls or even make your own. You can paint different background settings and add your own props.
10. Sensory Bin
I have a large sensory bin filled with colored rice, on rainy days, this box sees a lot of action. If you’re not a fan of rice, you could add dried beans, pasta or cloud dough. We add measuring cups, funnels and toys and they have a huge blast and yes it creates a big mess, but it’s so fun for them. My first grader still loves playing with this with my toddler. Rainy days don’t have to big a huge disappointment, this only gives you more time to get creative indoors. Or head out to somewhere where you can stay dry.

We play board games, read to one another, bake and do science experiments on rainy days
The kids like reading and coloring.
My kids like to read or play games.
Our rainy day activities are playing board games, crafting and or reading.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
We love to play games and have indoor dance parties!
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I keep a stash of craft kits just for rainy days.I pick them up at the dollar store or where ever just so I have them ready
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we listen to books on the kindle
Great Ideas!
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