The Best Homeschool Planning Tips from Moms

So we’re wrapping up the end of my  31 days to a better homeschool planning series with this wonderful last post. It’s a collection of homeschool planning tips from some amazing blogging friends.

I love hearing practical advice from those that have been exactly where you are at one point in time. I remember how scared I was then and I feel so much more confident about our choices now than ever.

Well, except for this high school stuff, I’m heading into uncharted waters, so now I’m a bit scared. Luckily there are those that have gone through homeschooling high school so there will be some new blogs that I’ll have to start following.

>> See more ideas on How to Homeschool Successfully

My one piece of advice to you is that you don’t have to finish the book. If you’ve worked through the year and are not able to finish those last few lessons, don’t sweat it, you’ve made it that far, use it as a read aloud or just continue on the next year.

Don’t pressure yourself into thinking you absolutely have to finish it so that you start rushing your kids through the lessons or hurrying them through material that they’d rather sit and enjoy. Relax and enjoy the fact that they are learning and stop and smell the roses.

The Best Homeschool Planning Tips from Moms

These ladies have come up with their own bits of wisdom, enjoy!

This post may contain affiliate links meaning I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Read my disclosure policy here.

Recommended Homeschool Books for Moms

If you want to give the best for your child, you better have these helpful homeschooling resources.

Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom: An easy-to-follow plan for successful homeschooling when you don’t even know where to startHomeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom: An easy-to-follow plan for successful homeschooling when you don’t even know where to startThe Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and LifeThe Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and LifeThe Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your KidsThe Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your KidsThe Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at HomeThe Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at HomeA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningThe Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child's EducationThe Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education


Recommended Homeschool Planning Resources

Need more help getting your homeschool plans together? Grab the Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom or The Unorganized Mom Printable Homeschool Planner to go from chaos to calm.

Homeschool Planning Guide for the Unorganized Mom
The Unorganized Mom Printable Homeschool Planner
The Best Homeschool Planning Tips from Moms

The Sunny Patch

Relax. You don’t need 3 math programs and 2 grammar books. It might seem like you’re covering every area but in reality you’re just going to burn out (you & your kids). Take a step back and really assess what’s important to you. Your kids will have gaps in their education – and that’s okay. Teach them HOW to learn and you will have done a great job.

The Transplanted Southerner

Don’t compare your homeschool to another family’s homeschool. Don’t compare your kids to theirs. You homeschool so you can individualize, so don’t try to copy someone just because what they are doing seems impressive. 

Ben & Me Blog

Life is not predictable, even when homeschooling. Flexibility is the key to surviving those inevitable bumps in the road and is the greatest blessing when they happen. So make your plans, but don’t stress when you have to change them. 

Trena B., Social Media Mom for Classes By Beth

Don’t pick a curriculum because it’s what your friends use. Don’t pick a curriculum because “it’s the best.” There is no “best” curriculum, but some will fit YOUR family better than others. Pick a curriculum because it meets the needs of your family. Every family has different goals and reasons for homeschooling. Do your research and pick the one that comes the closest to your family goals. There is no “perfect” curriculum.

Maria Magdalena Living Ideas

Plan with your child. Involve them to plan their learning and you’ll make the best planner ever! 

Embark on the Journey

The perfect homeschool curriculum is the one that works for your child, and what works for one child may not work for another. Consider each child individually when shopping for curriculum. 

The Proverbial Homemaker

Plan one day into your week that is a “home blessing” day dedicated to learning life skills, character training, and catching up on housework. This one approach has saved my sanity and blessed our family so much, and all those special projects now get a spot on the calendar.

Blessed Learners

The planner should be a useful and practical tool instead of to be our boss in homeschooling our children. Don’t be a slave to your planner. 

Imperfect Homemaker

Plan, but don’t over plan. Sometimes you can spend so much time planning that you never get started on the doing. Give yourself a deadline and then get started even if you don’t feel the plan is perfect – it never will be. If you just start, it will evolve into the perfect plan as you go.

Adventures In ChildRearing

Take some time to just stop & play together. Get out & take some nature walks, explore your area & talk to your kids about what they WANT to learn about. You’ll find they are much more willing to learn what is on your list when they have had some input.” 

Schooling a Monkey

Start small. Don’t try to jump into 8 complicated subjects at once. Focus on essential core subjects before adding extras. It is so easy to feel like you have to do everything each year, but that gets overwhelming fast. 

Chestnut Grove Academy

Be Flexible!!

Our Crazy Adventures in Autismland

Don’t try to replicate public school at home & work at your child’s level regardless of where it is



Read the rest of my posts in my 31 Days to a Better Planned Homeschool series.

If you need more help homeschool planning and want it all in one place, grab the Homeschool Planning for the Unorganized Mom eBook.

More Homeschool Planner Printables

Need more ideas for your homeschool planner? Take a look at these.

Homeschool Daily Checklist

Weekly Planner for Kindergarten

Preschool weekly planner template

Toddler Weekly Calendar Printable

Weekly Homeschool Planning Page on My Joy-Filled Homeschool


  1. As a mom that’s getting ready to homeschool, this is a great read! Thanks!

    1. Yeah, I’m so glad it helped!

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