Dear Homeschool Mom, Don’t Forget to be Their Mom
There are times when I have to take off my homeschool teacher hat and remember that I am also their mother. There are those horrible days when homeschooling can seem more than I can bear. Those days where it seems like you are constantly disciplining and there isn’t’ much learning going on.
Those days when I feel like a referee and I’m constantly breaking up sibling fights. Or those days when I can often be heard yelling “Stop hitting your brother” or “Get back in your chair” too many times.
If you’re done reading this topic and still in need of more encouraging words, go and see my Encouragement for Homeschool Moms blog post where you can find more strength and reasons to move on with this challenging journey.
There are times that I have forgotten that I am not only their homeschooling teacher but I am their mother as well. There are times when my child has to hear me tell him he’s put in a good amount of effort although he got the question incorrect. There are days when hugs and kisses would do more then scolding. There are days when reading all snuggle up on the couch would do more then an audiobook. There are days when homeschooling has to take a back seat and I have to remember that I am their mother.
I have to remember that I am not only teaching but I am trying to raise wonderful adults. Adults that will be caring and compassionate and who will go on to lead happy lives. I have to remember that these days will only last so long before they are into adulthood. I have to remember to enjoy them for who they are and not how poorly they are doing in a subject. I have to remember to cut them some slack and I have to give myself some as well.
We want them to succeed so bad and I want to push them to be better but you also need to know when to relax and dish out those hugs and have a little fun.
I have to forget the mess and embrace the messy play and get right down on the floor with those little ones. Everything else can wait. Just for a little bit. Because I am their mother first and their homeschool teacher second.
Check out the other posts in this Dear Homeschool Mom series.
Good reminder! Sometimes it’s hard when the school day is over to let go of the frustrations of school time and not let them color the rest of the day.